Only as a fair few of us here would know, surely she should have had a real shock, the power must have been off? Whilst googling for more info I found this:High voltage: The moment woman hallucinating on super-strength cannabis scales 40ft electricity pylon and clings to it for two hours
PUBLISHED: 10:34 GMT, 21 June 2012 | UPDATED: 10:50 GMT, 21 June 2012
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A woman who had spent four hours smoking super-strength 'skunk' cannabis had to be rescued after she climbed a 40ft electricity pylon while hallucinating that it was a bridge.
Horrified locals spotted the 21-year-old - from Zlin, Czech Republic - apparently trying to cross a river and called the emergency services.
Police spokesman Jan Macalikova said: 'It was a nightmare because she was very much under the influence of drugs and wasn't making much sense.
Out of her mind: The intoxicated 21-year-old clings to electricity cables after climbing the pylon in the belief that it was a bridge
'She was convinced, though, that the pylon was a bridge across the Morava river.'
Drugs counsellors and police eventually coaxed her down after two hours on the pylon.
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'She received treatment at hospital for her drugs consumption but was otherwise unhurt. She's lucky she didn't get a new high - high voltage,' added the police spokesman.
Death-defying: The drug-addled climber balances precariously on the wire, which she managed to mount in a pair of flimsy sandals
Hair-raising: Terrified locals spotted the woman and called in the emergency services
Plucked to safety: Rescue workers in a cherrypicker manage to grab her, putting an end to the two-hour stunt
or the offical police report. Translated via google:
Not one single mention of any kind of "super strength" cannabis.The worst of the negotiations that we have ever experienced," the two negotiators agreed today on a respectable two-hour performance. They tried to communicate with a young woman who climbed a few tens of meters high pylons.
The incident occurred after noon Napajedla in the Zlín region. Operational officers immediately called two negotiators who went to communicate with a young woman. She climbed on top of a complete high-voltage tower, apparently because of unrequited love. After a while he got down to about two-thirds the height, holding the coils and wearing only vanglovala slip on the rope.
A two-hour negotiation was a nightmare. The woman is obviously under the influence of drugs. At one point he even thought it was the cable car and manages to get her the ropes across the river Morava. The negotiators spoke only occasionally and corresponded only to certain questions. Neither one of them would not allow it to close. The two negotiators then ready to use fire fighting equipment. One climbed the ladder, but stopped about two thirds. The woman did not want to go closer, ever claimed that the rope handles to get home and want to be someone close to her. The other negotiator then two firemen went up on the platform at the last minute and it tore. Her life hung in the balance. Finally, because a woman who was two hours spent on the pole, grabbed the rope and started Dial away (see photo). Firefighters grabbed her ankles and managed to rig the last second set so that the woman fell inside. Was also very lucky that we managed to contact the power company and ensure that the mast was not under the influence of stress.
Jednadvacetiletá woman from the Zlín region ended in the care of doctors.
In fact I don't think I've ever heard of a case where someone would be physically capabable of such a feat after consuming cannabis, must find out... for science you understand.