Good for you, wish you all the best on your course! Im currently in my second year of Computing and I know we shared alot of modules with Comp Sci in my uni, I cant really give you suggestions for C# apart from "Microsoft Visual C# 2010: An introduction to Object Oriented Programming" by Joyce Farrell /
Mines the 4th edition and I think I bought it for <£15 somewhere, amazon was slightly more expensive and PCworld was ~£25 but it seems the price has gone up but id say keep an eye out or check your library its certainly helped me a bit
. Past the C# part id heavily recommend
w3schools for alot of things, one of the best resources ever
Apart from that id just say grab the ones recommended and have a read, read it as much as you can as it will help, dont expect your lecturer to spoon feed you as to what pages you should be reading etc (first year though is alot easier for being told what to read, just try and move past it). And certainly plan when you do assignments dont leave them to last minute etc, do them with some time to spare I really was lax with this and it cost me quite a bit but thankfully the first year counts for nothing
If you can get into a good routine now for learning and doing cw etc then you're set!.