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Thread: Masters of the universe

  1. #1
    Commander Keen
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    Masters of the universe

    Woooooo. I got onto a masters course in computing e-commerce @ Aberdeen Uni. I didn't want further study really. But getting a job was too hard at the moment up here.

    Still. It is fully funded, and there is a budget for building my workstation pc £1,000+ for that - a monitor which is provided. <- its a git I know.....

    My mum is in love with it because she should get to go to another graduation. Just hope that I can line up a graduate job for this time next year

    It is a 9am-5pm course which I have to attend nearly all of it and so I am really earning my funding. So not really like my undergrad experience where I dandered in for the odd practical

    But it is good to have something sorted

  2. #2
    Junior Senior Member Aaron's Avatar
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    Woooooo. I got onto a masters course in computing e-commerce @ Aberdeen Uni. I didn't want further study really. But getting a job was too hard at the moment up here.
    Sounds pretty much like what I did last year. Couldn't find a job at all so I enrolled on a Masters course. Had all of my course-fees paid (£3000) but ended up with pretty much solid lectures from 9:30am-5:30pm. Must admit that the social side of things wasn't quite as good as my undergrad course but I actually enjoyed the lectures a lot more.

    With the IT job market like it is and with so many more people doing degrees these days, a Masters can really make the difference. Before I had done the course, I couldn't even get an interview. Once I started looking for jobs this year, things were very different. I got an interview for a graduate position pretty much as soon as I started looking and was eventually offered a place on the company's graduate training scheme! They even started me on an increased salary because of my extra qualification, which I wasn't too bothered about really as I was just chuffed that I'd managed to find such a good job with decent training.

    Good luck, mate. I hope you enjoy your course and get the desired end result.

    (For the recond, I now work here.)

  3. #3
    Commander Keen
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    well done there Aaron.

    Actually.. I had loads of interviews from the date of my last exam. RIGHT up to 2 days before my graduation. Then NOTHING but a few phone chats for a month. now I know - albeit unofficially that I am on the course - I am well happy.

    Also.. I was handing in my funding form and got roped into building lego handy board robots for tomorrows n00b show - erm open day -

    I love lego.. built a robot that follows black lines of all but the harshest angles. U can't beat those angles without 2 light sensors and was only given one

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