Yes, I awoke this morning, about 9:50, and wanted another half hour in bed, but I can't because a wasp seems to have flown in my window, and is now buzzing around on the windows trying to work out how to get out in his simple wasp brain.
So, mildly annoyed that I can't relax incase he gets fed up and decides to sting me instead, I just close the curtains and try to get some kip, and as I'm closing the curtains what do I see? A big spider on the wall above my pillow!
Now I've got a wasp and a spider annoying me, whilst I'm trying to sleep.
Now, I'm an animal lover, don't get me wrong, but it was early and I'd not had my cup of tea yet, so I killed them both with a book.
Moral - Don't annoy me before I've had my tea and crumpets in the morning.