I agree, I would have no problem either having my benefits put into a system that was designed to help or reward those who helped build it i.e. by playing guinea pig or contributing cash to research for related issues.
Cancer for example is irrelevant to someone with heart disease or connective tissue problems ,so why should they be taxed on it , if thats where the bulk of research is already being done ?
Wheres the incentive to work for a better life for those with unrelated issues or in the minority with no help ?
Wheres the evidence / justification someone with cancer suffers more than someone who suffers many years instead, or with multiple issues (some of which cancer can cause ) -or with something that cant even be perhaps verified because of the lack of investment being made in scanning.
I dont think majority should decide any more than 50 white men should get a job over 20 black guys .
It should come down to quality of research , and not simply how much money can be made from big pharma endorsed drugs , thats not ethical or fair and there is no reason think why well researched smaller illnesses couldnt help bigger ones any more than bigger ones can help smaller.