Fair point (with the usual proviso that some are genuinely unable to contribute, & would do so if able) - I am of course no more in favour of exploitation of the system than the next person. I feel we can take it as pretty much a majority view that we don't expect to pay for people to have Sky & holiday in the Bahamas (whatever your take on how widespread this is), and therefore we could reasonably leave this point as read for the purposes of debating where it is fairest to make cuts -
this for example, if properly administered, as it gives a fair incentive to get yourself out & into your own home if possible.I honestly think one of the biggest mistakes we have made is the idea that people who are state sponsored single parents, those who have never independently funded their own home, are given one completely self-contained one. Other countries often go for the idea of shared/sheltered accommodation in that circumstance, communal kitchens are a great way for people to come together, learn and save money.