This is why I never watch items now, I used to in early ebay days of buying, as a reminder, when I hadn't quite realised the seller was aware of it. Later I felt it wasn't worth making people get false hope I was interested, and especially once I started selling, & realised knowing you have watchers is mostly totally misleading. I do wonder why some people watch at all because apart from checking if your item has made its price & therefore helping them decide how to price theirs, I can't see any much reason to have 12 watchers on an auction item which goes on to not sell - apart from idle time wasters (fume, you know who you are that were watching my item this Sunday...
Then again I also can never fathom why people buy one item for more money over an item in much better condition, or bid on an item that is currently available at less at BIN - ebay is just a very weird world.