Seller Protection - We can help protect you
When you get paid with PayPal,
you can be protected against buyer claims and chargebacks. So if there's ever a problem with a sale, we can help make sure that you won't lose out.
Eligibility Requirements
•You must obtain proof of delivery that can be tracked online.
•Seller Protection covers physical items only. Check that the item is eligible in the 'Transaction Details' in your PayPal account and in your confirmation email.
•Eligible transactions between buyers and sellers in the UK, US and Canada qualify for Seller Protection. If you're selling on eBay, you can post to buyers in any of the 190 countries where PayPal is accepted and still be covered.
•Only post to the buyer's address provided in the 'Transaction Details' and only accept payments in full from a single PayPal account.
•If you deliver an item in person or post it in any other way that can't be tracked, you won't be covered.