Regular members of these forums often visit our IRC room. This is often a nice place to meet new friends and ask queries about computing. It's often easier and more than enough you will receive a quicker reply on IRC than a post on the forum.
Why not come along and join in the friendly fun.
To join HEXUS.IRC you need to have an IRC client. Within windows the main IRC client is called mIRC.
This can be obtained from (latest version is 6.1)
Fill in all the details, name, nickname, email address etc.. and your nearly done.
Like most chat programs there are many servers. You may have heard of some of them, EFNET, DALNET, QUAKENET.... etc... Well we are on QUAKENET.
Type in the following... /server
Once its connected you can then join a channel (a room). /join
or Alternatively you can click this link :--- irc://
Please bear in mind that IRC channel's have operators. These are like moderators on the forums and have an @ symbol next to there name. These people can ban/kick/change the topic and a few other commands. So please dont abuse the channel or the operators (sometimes known as ops) will have to remove you.
Come along... You will sometimes even find David, the Editor and Owner of
We also have an IRC forum. This can be found at the following link...
IRC Statistics....
Please remember we all have to sleep. So at unsocialable hours the channel may be quiet
--- XTR