Of course. You can read a web page and make use of it right away. Training and fanfare is mostly for people who are professionally teaching it. There is a lot in it that I have no purpose for, a few things I do either make use of or just by being aware of such things has altered how I think in some regards, however just having been made aware of it is an eye opening and beneficial thing. When you see what can be done, it is more difficult for someone to con you/sell you on something.
That would be scary, although I would not be surprised if some were incorporating it because if you think about it spam bots are usually either trying to sell you something or get you to do something. Considering it is against almost all forums rules to post all the crap they do, they would need to make their bit of text as compelling as possible and I bet it would help them and create the scary situation you speak of lol. That's where knowing some of it is a good defence against others.
Edit: Hmm you mean the other nlp. So what would that exactly do if that were the case? I know nothing about that particular acronym.
Did I say that? Re-read what I actually said. I said I did not know what you were referring to...
I think that is the problem there, you can see what is claimed and hear anecdotes of success and it all sounds very convincing but it seems that there is zero proof that any of it works.
It sounds like it has taught you a healthy skepticism towards salesmen, now apply that to the NLP business who are trying to sell NLP training and materials. Does it sound like a quick fix?
To me I think NLP is summed up by this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-24617644. Sadly it doesn't sound to me like that group is even running a con, it sounds to me something more like Dunning Kruger effect http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning...3Kruger_effect and I suspect that these people genuinely think they are doing good.
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