I have my Oculus Rift Development Kit 2 (DK2), it's awesome and I'll be demoing it at the Meltdown gaming and e-sports bar in North London on Saturday the 16th of August 2014 at 7:30pm.

One of the Oculus Rift experiences I will be showing off will be Hearthstone... yes, you read that right, Hearthstone in the Oculus Rift (via Virtual Desktop)

I'll also be demoing Elite Dangerous - A low intensity (for this demo) space flying/fighting game

along with Technolust - The latest beta of a bladerunner/cyberpunk style "click and point" adventure game, there are 3 main 'parts' to this demo, I will be staging the demo in the second (city) and third (apartment) parts of the experience

Finally I'll be showing RiftMAX - The recreation of a large cinema where I'll have a 3D movie playing on loop.

The event is free to anyone including all Hexus members to attend but it is over 18's only I'm afraid. The facilities of the bar include free to use PC's and consoles, food/pizza can also be ordered or bought to the bar. There are also some great Cocktails!

It'd be awesome to see some of you down there

Here is the Events page on Facebook: www.facebook.com/events/1448967215387976