For two days I've been unable to post in a forum, fill in HTML forms and generally do anything regarding the internet from my home NTL broadband.
I rang them on Thursday to complain it was fubard and their reaction was to say "sorry, we are having problems but you might have MSblaster!".
Im a network administrator who has patched over 250+ PC's with it AS WELL as helping the firm next door solve their problems. I damn well know my rigs don't have it. They refused to listen.
So despite my insistance that Im not on AOL, they made me go through a checking procedure . Took me an hour to get through. Finally they admit they have a problem within their network and no resolution date. I say "what do you mean "no resolution time?". NTL's response : "could be a couple of weeks!!"
Had to rip out my network, plug my main PC into the cable modem, install a software firewall, install a VPN client and remotely log into my works network to bypass NTL's edge of network transparent proxies (the main cause of their network problems).
Now I can work. NTL just get worse. Im switching to ADSL. No idea when to fix a major problem?? They are just getting beyond a joke.