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Thread: Anyone know anything about travel insurance?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Notts UK
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    Anyone know anything about travel insurance?

    If I can pick your brains...

    I'm off on a 2part trip soon, for which I'd like some travel insurance. If you know me, you'll know it's absolutely essential that I have this :E

    I'll be spending 3 months in one place (Beijing) for which I've got insurance cover with a company called I-to-I as part of a deal. I then wish to go travelling for a further 3 months, for which I also wish to be insured. I could extend their insurance, however their insurance is very expensive.

    The problem now arises, that the vast, vast majority of insurers will demand that their insurance covers you from the moment you leave your front door until the moment you return home. Therefore, it's not an option to take insurance starting after I've already spent 3 months in my first destination!

    What I'm doing at the moment is weighing up the costs of taking insurance for 6 months total with STA travel, who are cheap (which would mean I'd be doubly insured for the first 3 months, which is illegal I think?) Vs extending my 3 months of insurance with i-to-i (at £1.80 a day!!!)

    Cancelling my i-to-i insurance is not an option, I've already paid and can't get any money back, even if I say I don't want this insurance anymore all they’ll do is cancel the contract.

    This is where you come in. Do you know of any insurance companies that will be happy to cover me for 3 months travelling doing basic backpacking activities (including medium depth scuba diving, but I'm qualified) STARTING from Beijing and concluding in the UK. The vast majority of companies will only cover from UK, to Asia then back to the UK.

    I know this does exist as I've been put in touch with one company that did it until recently (grrr) and if I could get such a deal it would save me a lot of money.

    Sorry for such a dull topic! But thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Wisconsin, USA
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    Maybe this site will help. Always check with your current insurance company if you have one, also any work related plans may offer limited coverage as well.

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