If you take a look at 3D Xpoint, as we said we've qualified. We've started to ship DIMM sample to the big cloud service guys. Those are targeted for 2018 revenue shipment.
On an SSD basis, we will start shipping for revenue this quarter. And, if you take a look at the full year, I think the estimate is, it's around 10% of our total revenue is 3D Xpoint.
And that will be -- it could take off and it could be a little more than that. It could take a little while to qualify some things if it's a little off. But you should think it is around 10% of the revenue. And really, ramping much more into 2018.
What we are proud of, is you get past that first hurdle of getting the first one to production ready, and starting to ship samples to the cloud guys, and actually getting ready to start shipping SSDs for revenue to the client devices and all that. We are pretty excited about just getting to that point right now with 3D Xpoint.