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Thread: Virgin Trains

  1. #1
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    Virgin Trains

    When they're good, they're great.
    When they're bad, they're awful.

    The 'voyager' class trains are pretty good though.

    Train to Grimsby (Birmingham -> Sheffield) was well over capacity, almost 20 people were standing in the areas between carriages, I was sat on the floor in a gangway and the train was over half an hour late (although that was due to a broken down train further on the line). To their credit, they did offer complementary Tea and Coffee, but due to the overcrowing in my carriage, noone could get to the buffet car

    On the way home (Sheffield -> Oxford) the train was nicely air conditioned, the toilets were clean and fragrant, the 'train manager' had a wee quiz going (when you don't have it, you don't want it, but when you do have it, you don't want to lose it) and I got a pair of seats all to myself. Still, the train was late due to suspected damage to the tracks but the train people went round sorting out any missed connections, and I was treated to a stunning sunset over Oxfordshire, from clear blue, through green, yellow, orange, to shepherd's delight.

    Oh well.

    I think I'll sit here on 99 posts for a while longer, go for a shower and play with my bike bits that arrived while I was away.

    Anyone who can tell me that answer to the quiz (I didn't get it) gets a free tea or coffee. I'll give ya the answer tomorrow if noone here can get it.

  2. #2
    Registered+ Zathras's Avatar
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    Voyagers aren't fantastic. The body profile is too narrow due to the small loading gauge and need for tilt, so you're really squashed in if you're by the window and there's someone next to you. The seats don't always line up with a window so you can end up travelling for hours on end with only a plastic wall to look at. The luggage space is absolutely minimal too - the old overhead racks would take a large rucksack and some small suitcases but not a chance now. The led reservation indicators often don't work and it's hard to see when getting on a train which seats are free and which aren't. The retention toilet often breaks leaving horrible smells in the vestibules. The shop is far too small. There is too much space for the toilets in each carriage, much reducing capacity. When the trains were introduced they were frequently absolutely rammed with hardly any room in the corridor to stand let alone a seat to sit on.

    Now fortunately the timetable has been modified and two units doubled-up often run on the busy services. The air-con is a big improvement over the previous Virgin trains as in it works more often than not, plus the ride is smoother and the acceleration better. However as there are engines in each carriage there's a dull vibrating noise and also the brakes frequently make an annoying whining noise that seems like interference over the PA should you be sat in the end-most seats. The power-points are a boon, and the interior is all nice and clean and stylish, but I'm wondering how they'll look after a few million miles (no joke, some trains have done ten million miles in their lifetime) when the white plastic is all scuffed and out of style. Remember what was fashionable in the 70s and what people would think of it now?

    Overall I don't mind Voyagers for a couple of hours, and can put up with their sister train, the West Coast Pendolinos, for far longer. However should I repeat last summer's 7-hour journey from Preston to Plymouth on a rammed-solid summer Saturday I'd rather be on the older style of train simply for the increased room available. Hopefully GNER and FGW's replacement trains will retain the roominess and luggage space of the old trains and add in the style and new features of the Voyagers and Pendolinos.

  3. #3
    Pink & Fluffy! Elmo's Avatar
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    gotta agree, the space for lugguage in the new voyagers is shocking, they have seats for about 50 people ans space got about 8 - 12 cases, resulting in people using the space reserved for disabled passengers in wheelchairs. There's also not enough space in the isles.

    the toilets are a fair size because the train has been made more accessible for wheelchairs, so they cant's really alter that back.

    The journey is reasonably comfortable, however, after 3/4 hours ur bum-cheeks do tend to fall asleep as the seats arent as comfy or roomy as the old ones.

    The best features of the new trains, i think, are the buffets every 2 carrages, instead of having to trapes the length of the train to get a coffee, then having to make it back again without spilling it, sitting down and finding it's cold. The air conditioning - it's so good! you gotta love it after you've experienced 4 hours stuck in the middle of nowhere on one of the old trains in the baking midday sun.... And last, but by no means least, my favourite feature of all! the mobile fone/laptop socket!!! it's saved my fone many a time!

  4. #4
    Umbra Messor
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    I know im imature but Virgin and Voyager Tee Hee Hee

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  5. #5
    A Straw? And Fruit? Bazzlad's Avatar
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    Right then your riddle..
    when you don't have it, you don't want it, but when you do have it, you don't want to lose it
    The answer is an errection.

  6. #6
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    Grey hair

    Yeah, the lack of storage space is pretty poor and the carriages are a bit narrow, but they're far better than the Arriva Northern trains I get closer to home, or the older trains Virgin used to run.

  7. #7
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    i went on a Virgin Train to reading, and it was really nice. had posh toilets with auto doors and electric locking and everything. we were all sat in the 'quiet zone' carriage, and when they announced it during one of the 'welcome aboard...' things, everyone in there just roared 'b*llocks!' comfy anough trains tho

    if war is the answer, then we are asking the wrong question
    2 things i hate the most - xenophobia and the french

  8. #8
    Junior Senior Member Aaron's Avatar
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    The Virgin trains I've been on, the Reading to Gatwick express route mainly, have been really nice.

    If you want bad trains then check out South West Trains, especially the ones between Guildford and Waterloo. All their rolling stock must be at least 30 years old. I didn't even think slam-door carriages were allowed these days due to safety concerns.

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