Hi All,
Im going to be starting a new project @ work and we are looking for some good suggestions for a better name- currenty called Schools Out.
A bit about the project:
The project is aimed @ learners (13-16), who for any of a number of reasons cannot attend school, we are developing an environment which allows collaboration and sharing of information and setting of tasks(by mentors or even other users).
Here are some of the ideas we hope to impliment in phase 1.
Blogging, Instant Messaging, Forums, SMS Integration, Personalisation(of said environment), Mentor lead tutorials (photoshop, basic programming with processing etc).
All the students on this program will receive Broadband Connection and a new e-mac. So the running environment is know :-)
Here's a bit of blurb from the guy in my work who is leading the project:
"OK, its a bit more complicated than that - the new name should be a verb (thats a doing word - in case you didn't notice, i was being patronising there), and it should try to disguise the learning aspect of this project, but play on the sharing / collaborative / group aspects."
All suggestions gladly welcome, come on peeps get your grey matter working!!