OK, so lets address the original point shall we, I'll even break things down as you're obviously struggling to keep up.
original replied to wazzickle saying "
We just need a lot more structure and oversight to keep the worst sides of capitalism in check." with the following...
To which you felt the need to
reply with the following
So now lets break down this original point shall we, starting with your use of contextomy: aka quoting someone out of context, this was your first error of reasoning, we're not taking about proper debating here, we're talking about a passage being removed from its surrounding matter in such a way as to distort its intended meaning because you believe doing so would make it easier for you to attack the original point, we're not talking about proper debating here, we're talking about you trying to manipulate or persuade by deception or being careless or ignorant, either intentionally or unintentionally.
And just in case you need an even simpler version, you manipulated what i originally said to remove the implication that i was fully aware that the 'system' involved people so you could attack an argument i had not made, capeesh?
From that point onward everything you said in the next eight posts you made in this thread had been rendered moot because you started with a mistaken belief that was based on an unsound argument, however out of the kindness of my heart i offered you the chance to correct that mistake, an offer you refused when you decided to double down and continue to dig yourself in even deeper, as they say give someone enough rope and all that.
Now, knowing you you'll probably feel the need to reply however before you do I'd like to point out that so far we've only touched on the first flaw in your reasoning, the first of many, many fallacies you've used, but if you insist i can certainly revisit the above original point and go over all the other failures in reasons, such as your appeal to probability when you said "
You don't need to" or your use of equivocation, or how about the nirvana fallacy or when you appealed to ridicule.
It should also go without saying but I'll say it anyway as i know how much you like to argue just for the sake of it, I'm not saying the use of fallacies are wrong, people use them all the time as rhetorical devices when there's a desire to persuade if the focus is more on communication and eliciting common agreement, however that's not how you're using them as you've made clear by your refusal to reach a common agreement.