America grows a lot of soya beans. And the Chinese market was immense for them

After Mr T started to wage his tarrif war on the Chinese, they did the same in retaliation and of course it made American soya beans jolly expensive for the Chinese buyers....turning them into non-buyers.

The American farmers had a lot and they still have a lot. Stored.... lots and lots.

Mr T's fiscal team set up a subsidy fund to support them in their hour of need, and it was worded a certain way... the subsidy is paid on the amount of soya beans harvested.

But there's a problem -there are so many storage units full of unsold Soya beans, they cant' harvest anymore and they're left to rot in the fields, without the subsidy

I know it's a simplistic example of why tariffs can bite you in the butt, but it's also going to be interesting to see if the US Government does change the subsidy to cover "planted" and not "harvested" crop.