Talking with a friend who's recently bought Playstation VR he said it was remarkably good. Then another colleague jumped in and mentioned some sort of bomb disposal game where a team works together, some viewing a monitor/TV and them guiding the headset wearer.
That brought something to mind.
Those of you around in the early/mid 90's and watching children's TV may well remember a fantastic and unique programme called Knightmare.
It occurs to me that current VR tech would permit that sort of game to be played now on consoles. Whether the focus is on puzzle-solving, or more turn-based action even, something like an RPG dungeon-crawler might well be possible - and could provider a really cool take on RPG/adventure gaming.
Moving beyond that, were multiple people able to have headsets then you could provide a fully immersive team experience.
Heck, even some old RPG IPs could feasibly be brought back and an individual or team be able navigate through those games in an immersive way.
I assume someone out there is already working on this - if it doesn't already exist - as I said, I've not really looked into VR much. But if not, someone needs to get on it!