According to media reports, he has been arrested indide the Ecuadorian embassy, at Ecuador's invitation, by British police and removed to a central London police station", and is expected to then be taken to Westminster Magistate's Court to answer charges related to him abusing his original bail conditions.
Quite what went wrong between him and Ecuador is unclear, but there have been reports for some time that Ecuador wanted rid of him, having come to regard his presence as a considerable nuisance. It didn't apparently hrlo Assange that the new President is considerably less sympathetic to him that the previous incumbent.
It now seems he's pushed his luck once too often and had his sanctuary revoked for "breach of asylum". It's not (yet) clear quite what that was, but asylum does come with some conditions including, apparently, refraining from political activity and he's reportedly been at loggerheads with Ecuador for quite some time about what that consists of. There are also some reports that he's been .... less that considerate, as a guest. A bit of a slob, allegedly.
Anyhow, now, he'll at least have to answer to a British court over absconding from bail (for 7-ish years) and it remains to be seen if any other country, lime Sweden or the US, seek his extradition. Sweden had wanted him to answer questions on sexual assault charges but have subsequently dropped that. If he's now out of the protection of asylum and, I assume not likely to be grsnred bail again, theh may reinstate those charges, and the US is believed to have been readying charges for some time, in anticipation of something like this. Niw I guess we find out if they really were.
Anyway, he's now back in custody rather than his self-imposed incarceration, and potentially still facing the same charges he always was.
I wonder if he thinks those seven years were worth it?