Cheers mate
Cheers mate
Woo! Stein (sp?).... I wanna go to the Beirfest in Munich, think it starts soon. Too bad Im stuck at uni
BTW, I hope theyre not all for you Russ, well not all in one go
That's a lot of beer
looks nice, except for the amount of head on the beer
the beer festival is in October.. hence it is called Oktoberfest (sp?)... it involves mass-drunken behaviour etc..
Not a fan of the drink myself.....but still might be entertaining to go to..
:: of all the things i've lost i miss my mind the most ::
i'd love to go to Oktoberfest. gettin drunk with a load of germans and singin along to oompa bands would be great fun. i noticed in amsterdam that they put waaaaaay too much head on the beer, cos they pour it so damn fast and then cut the top off the foam with a spatula-thing to level it off. brought tears to my eyes.
if war is the answer, then we are asking the wrong question
2 things i hate the most - xenophobia and the french
That's just how they serve beer on the continent. You do get used to it if you drink enough, and the most importnat thing about the big head - it keeps the beer cooler for longer. Cold to the bottom of the glass mmmmmmmmmmmm beer
Originally Posted by The Quentos
Nevermind bloody beer festivals.. theres a cheese market every thursday in Gouda town square!!
Glug Glug Glug
Presuming it arrived?
About the bear pouring.
It shouldnt be rushed. A slowly poured pint always tastes nicer. I dunno why. Apparently they have managed to compress guinness in such away it can be poured at 0 or -2 degrees with lil icey bits in it. hehe. Cold ones are always nicer.
[Strong Bad]
{The Cold[itude] is directly proportional to the One[itude] Therefore the colder the One is the more of a One it is. }
[/Strong Bad]
Guinness in british pubs tastes no where near as nice as in Irish pubs cos they pour it slower and colder.
at a few pennies for a massive jug type class, who cares about a little head?!!??
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