I'm NOT putting this is our Respectful RIP thread, 'cos what I feel about this is a very long way from respect.
There are times when I become aware I can be, how do I put this .... not a nice person. This is one.
About the only thing I regret about this news is that this evil, nasty little dog pile didn't spend another 20 years suffering in prison before being despatched to what I hope is the deepest pit of hell. Good riddance comes to mind, and the human gene pool just improved.
I do feel sympathy for his family, for having to know they were in any way related to such a <words fail me (*) > but much, much more for his victims and their families.
I don't drink, but I just might hoist a celebrity snifter tonight.
Like I said .... not a nice person, at times.
(*) Actually, I can think of the words, but I know I get banned if I used them here.