Originally Posted by Mark Tyson
Apex (29-01-2021)
throw new ArgumentException (String, String, Exception)
Want the price to go back up to over $110 so I can cash out lol
A sizeable number of the retail investors would have put a small sum and prepared to lose it in order to give a bloody nose to Wall St. I don't know how you can sell shares you don't own. We'll probably see Wall st crying for a bailout and more regulation. That's the funniest part.
I think it's over now, congrats to all who got out in time
What a wild ride that was. Although I must admit, it saddens me to see how many got caught up in the hype and lost big time. It seems that a lot of unsuspecting people took bad financial advice from meme posters on Reddit and are now annoyed they lost out.
Has a good little write up, explains really how this was just a pure pump and dump, no one can accurately predict the height of such a thing, it's pure speculative gambling not based on any fundamental analysis. In my book even those that made money are idiots the way those that make money at Vegas are.
throw new ArgumentException (String, String, Exception)
To convince people to buy a stock you have to either convince that it can only ever go up or that there is some other moral reason to buy it e.g. it will save the planet, it will stick it to the fat cats etc... This managed to have both and was incredibly successful; a textbook case. No matter the perceived moral reasons for doing it, a pump and dump by any other name is still a pump and dump and anyone with any investment experience would have been able to see it from a mile away. Like I said at the beginning, I am just sad for all the less informed consumers who got caught up in all this and lost money because of it.
I like the Stock...
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