Just a couple of snippets for any on/off sellers who may not be slavishly following every eBay update but may be interested -
1. Changes to funds availability - in a nutshell payments being held until after delivery, anywhere from 2-14 days after according to varying criteria https://www.valueaddedresource.net/e...held-delivery/
2. Simple Delivery - if Managed Payments and eBay wallet were not bad enough, then 'Simple Delivery' so-called may be the bridge too far for a lot of people, myself included, dependent on final details. Currently still opt-out but soon not to be afaik https://www.ebay.co.uk/sellercentre/...ad6afb1662660d. https://www.valueaddedresource.net/e...e%20program%21 Mark ye it will be a shambles..