Yeah....we've decided to merge stuff like IL-2 with stuff like Silent Hunter III
and ya know WHY? Cos it seems to attract the same bunch of lunatics
AND ALSO because I'm worried about how good SIlent Hunter III is but how LOOOOONG the thread had become.
NOW you SIlent Hunter III U-boat commanders can use different threads and not lose them down amongst the PS2 GT4 threads.
So we have created WARGAMES...the forum. It is aimed towards the War Sim fanatics
but if ANYONE goes anywhere NEAR IT with THE SIMMS I will kill them dead in the face same rules for Rollercoaster Tycoon or Knitting Sim 3
So, if you like Battlefield/Vietnam/Medal of Honour stylee, OR subs ORtanks OR helichopter simms...
get your ugly khaki butt in there NOW, Soldier/Sailor/Pilot (delete as applicable)
How's that then? Good? If you want to make suggestions to the description under the title, tell me soon
Over n out