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Thread: Sisters give birth at 12, 14, 16

  1. #33
    Almost in control. autopilot's Avatar
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    Yep, welcome to 21st Century Britain.

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    Meh, doesn't seem like a big deal to me.

  3. #35
    If your 5555... Swafe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iMc
    Makes you think 'Why the **** am I bothering with Uni' dont it.

    Your telling me, after working 2 hard years at college and soon to be another 3, even harder years at uni to get what? A dirty morgage hanging over me and no money for 25 years just so I can get a roof over my head

    What what do they do ? Get knocked up a the first opportunity, save themselves 30 years of hard work, striving and whatever else is involved to get their own house, and like that isnt bad enough, 31K a year to live on

    too much injustice in this world, what makes 3 little brats worth 31 grand a year? my mom sure as hell didnt get anywhere near that figure when she had to look after me and my sister while we had no income from my dad having a diesese making him unable to work for 18 years
    Quote Originally Posted by Knoxville
    As I find big muff's to be a bit of an aquired taste
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  4. #36
    If your 5555... Swafe's Avatar
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    What makes it worse? According to Sky the guy who knocked them up was a 38 year old asian.

    38 years old? Thats pretty sick in itself, if I was too guess, they just went with the first guy that offered them sex on a plate, rather than getting peer pressured into it by their mates.
    Quote Originally Posted by Knoxville
    As I find big muff's to be a bit of an aquired taste
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  5. #37
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  6. #38
    If your 5555... Swafe's Avatar
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    "It's really difficult to survive on what we have," she said. "My average shopping bill is £90 a week"
    When you have no rent to pay, 90 pound a week is a lot of money... thats 4,680 a year, wheres the other 25 grand being spent?

    The family lives rent-free in a three-bedroom council house, which they claim is too cramped.
    "The house is far too small. I have to share a bedroom with Natasha and Amani which is very cramped. Hopefully we may be able to get a bigger house, but who knows?"
    So, youve got a house paid for, and enough money to feed your kid, plus 25 grand spare between the 4 of you for what you need, you now expect us taxpayers to buy you a 300 grand house to live in ? Get real

    Jade said she had been determined not to do the same, after seeing all the dirty nappies and her sister enduring sleepless nights. But she became pregnant after "a one-night stand".
    If she was so determined to not turn out like her sister, was to have an unprotected 1 night stand, really, the best of ideas?

    She said: "It was just one of those things really. I wasn't using contraception and I suppose I just thought it wouldn't happen to me."
    Like I spose it didnt happen to your other 2 sisters.... *sign*

    Its like saying I shot myself in the face.... and didnt expect to die

    Earlier this year, the Government's tax and benefit system was said to be responsible for making Britain the single-parent capital of the world.

    The Centre for Policy Studies think-tank said married couples on average weekly salaries were only £1 better off than single mothers who never worked and had no contact with the father of their children.
    Says it all really... sponge
    Quote Originally Posted by Knoxville
    As I find big muff's to be a bit of an aquired taste
    AMD Athlon 4400X2 @ 2.565PenisextentionMhz
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    Oh, did I mention.....I like sheep.....

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  7. #39
    Mind that bus, what bus? Splat!
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    screaw getting a job, may as well become a chav, get a free house and never work a day. I'm at college trying to get an education when the teachers NEVER show to bloody classes, because they're under-funded... why? Because these ****ing ******s are taking all the money from youths who try to make something of them selfs by getting better education, and I get paid about 120 quid a week on 4.10 wage, working 3-4 nights a week. Nice.

    Same with people who goto uni, leave uni with a massive debt, and then work god knows how long to pay it off, and mortgages etc.

    Let's just all sponge of the government to bring the country to a stop slightly quicker than it already is, then we can all just **** off to another country and sponge that into the ground, oh no wait - all other countrys require that you earn your money... damn.

  8. #40
    I'm just looking Tifosi's Avatar
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    Should have voted Conservative... now you're thinking what they were thinking

  9. #41
    Prize winning member. rajagra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oralpain
    Meh, doesn't seem like a big deal to me.
    Maybe that's because your not one of us idiots paying 40% income tax so people like that can sit on their backsides all day.
    I'm only surprised that one of them hasn't come out with the immortal line:
    "But our kids will be the ones paying for your pension when you're older."
    Somehow I doubt it. And if I wasn't bled dry by parasites like that, I could sort myself out a very nice pension on my own, thankyou very much.
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  10. #42
    HEXUS.Metal Knoxville's Avatar
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    Gonna throw the cat amongst the pigeons a bit here tbh, while I dislike these people intensley for sitting back and scrounging like they do off my tax money you have to see it from the other side guys. Its easier to get pregnant at 16 get a free house and income support to live off than work damn hard for your money and not be able to scrape together enough to pay the mortage. There's no incentive to work there at all, I remember an article in the paper not so long ago about a guy raising a family of I think it 5 kids purley off income support, he got a job during the day at tesco when they were all old enough to go to school and he saw that earning a wage meant he actually ended up with less money at the end of the month. I used to work with a single mum with 2 kids, she worked 4 nights a week at my place (thats nearly £300 a week after tax) the eldest had a job of her own and paid for her own food etc. but with a mortage and bills to pay she used to find it really difficult to find the cash. Why go through all that when you can get a healthy hand out from the govt. Gotta remember aswell that if you ain't working it takes away so many of the expenses that your average office job blokey has in a year, for a start you don't need to run a car which means no road tax, no insurance, no petrol costs.

    You can't blame these people for seeing an oppurtunity and taking it. Its the system that has created this problem for us hard working folk and we're beginning to see the consequence's in society now where these people really do have nothing to do people my age are signing on rather than getting a job so they don't feel that any of they're free time is valuable, what does that leave them to do at night but hang round on street corners beating up the old and vunerable for a cheap laugh.

    I'm not condoning any of this behaviour but people keep blaming the people rather than focusing more heavily on what caused this problem in the first place and for all those people clammering from conservatives, Its they're fault we're here now.

  11. #43
    Moderator DavidM's Avatar
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    Surely if there actually was a 38 yr old father, they would be a child abuser in this case?

  12. #44
    Senior Member Kezzer's Avatar
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    Knox, what people are trying to say is that these foolish children are sucking up the governments money just because they don't know how to control their sex drive

  13. #45
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    Rofl at the mum's response of "it's the schools fault for poor sex education"
    So, I take it that all the other girls i the school have bambino's then as well???
    She needs to pull her head out of her a**e, if she had been a decent mum, then this wouldn't have happened in the first place.
    Makes me pig sick.
    The 38 yr old should be banged up for unlawful sex and the other fathers should be made to pay for their upkeep, even if it meant decreasing their benefits if they are not working. People have got to be made to be more responsible, at the moment it's everybody apart from themselves who pick up the pieces.
    I'd also leave them in the house that they are in, to act as a deterrent for others llike them
    By the way, I'm from Derby and not everyone is like them

  14. #46
    Now with added sobriety Rave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iranu
    The 3 girls plus babies and mother claim a total of over £31,000 in benefits per year and live rent free in their council house. Source
    Actually having claimed housing benefit recently (after my wife was made redundant) I'm pretty sure that £31k figure will include their rent. It wouldn't add up otherwise.

    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph
    The Centre for Policy Studies think-tank
    ....which was co-founded by Margaret Thatcher and continues to promote Thatcherism to this day....

    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph
    said married couples on average weekly salaries were only £1 better off than single mothers who never worked and had no contact with the father of their children.
    I'd like to see their sums personally, because I reckon this is total rubbish. My wife and I are on little more than half the average weekly salary and it doesn't look to me like the single mothers round here live better than we do.

    Quote Originally Posted by iranu
    Welcome to Tony and Gordon's New Britain.
    Yeah 'cos this problem didn't exist before 1997.

    Anyway, to everyone else who's getting their knickers in a twist: shall I tell you who else claimed to have fathered a child out of wedlock and lived for months at the taxpayer's expense while he didn't have a job? David Blunkett. His grace and favour flat was worth well over £30,000 in rent for the five months he wasn't in the cabinet and hence wasn't entitled to it, but did I see anyone in here getting furious about it and denouncing the state of the country? I did not.

    Perspective. I've heard of it, have you?

  15. #47
    HEXUS.Metal Knoxville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KeZZeR
    Knox, what people are trying to say is that these foolish children are sucking up the governments money just because they don't know how to control their sex drive
    Whats new, children have never been able to control their sex drive, at the age of 14 you wanted to shag everything that moved and if it didn't move you'd shag it until it did move problem was there was very rarely the oppurtunity to get your end away at that age back in the day, now its common place.

  16. #48
    HEXUS webmaster Steve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knoxville
    You can't blame these people for seeing an oppurtunity and taking it. Its the system that has created this problem for us hard working folk and we're beginning to see the consequence's in society now where these people really do have nothing to do people my age are signing on rather than getting a job so they don't feel that any of they're free time is valuable, what does that leave them to do at night but hang round on street corners beating up the old and vunerable for a cheap laugh.
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