On at 7.30, looks to be BBC's take on the latest wave of crime that's hitting our computers! **looks around**
Should be intersting nonetheless.
On at 7.30, looks to be BBC's take on the latest wave of crime that's hitting our computers! **looks around**
Should be intersting nonetheless.
on at 7:00
If they tell people to get nortan il kill them
"Sorry, your request cannot be fulfilled at the moment. Please come back and try again later."
Good ol' Radio Times website!
Oh noes! Cutting edge revolutionary hyper super VNC will take down the online banking world!
Let's laugh at all the people who have obviously been looking at porn.
I complained to them about this and got the following reply:Originally Posted by NorkyYour database server needs upgrading? Oh, right.Thank you for your email and I am sorry that you were receiving error messages or problems accessing our site.
We are aware that the increasing popularity of the site, particularly at busy times has put the site under increased strain and we are planning to purchase and install new hardware to address this problem very soon.
I am very sorry for any inconvenience.
I think it's more to do with the hideously bloated site
Or maybe they got attacked by High Tech Criminals! That WOULD be fun... hehehe How ironic, how smart. I won't be posting for a while now, i've got something to do!?!?!?!?!
that's the chicken!!!
did u notice what time i posted my last post lol
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