So, how many of you have noticed that affiliate system link under need the quick reply box?
Better still, have any of used it?
Anyone any idea what it's there for? What it does for HEXUS?
The idea is that if you post a link to something on the web that others can buy, you use the affiliate system so those retailers know that the link came through from HEXUS... and THAT helps pay the bills round here, which I've been assured are growing day by day as the bandwidth goes up and up (and trust me, I've seen the stats, HEXUS is getting mullered EVERY day)
So, say I wanted to tell you that has Battlefield 2 up for sale (just as an example). I nip off, find the game on, then pop into the affiliate and select the link from the drop down list.
All I do is now cut and paste that into my post, and then take the actual URL from PLay for the game and paste that into the affiliate URL overwriting the 'TARGETURL' bit, and then its job done just as below.
And that link, without the URL tags, looks like this:]
And you cut and paste your target URL over the bit I've highlighted in bold in the example below.]
Don't worry, the VBulletin makes all that stuff disappear, leaving you with a nice neat link like the first one above.
Sure, it takes a little more time, but not much and it helps cover the costs of these forums, which, if we're honest is probably the most visited part of HEXUS for many users...
So remember the affiliate system if you can, it'll be giving a little back to the forums!