Sorry Unreal, You're not right
there is a clear logical choice in the lady choosing the 2nd denist.
You're partly right tho, keep thinking along those lines...
Lol, unreal, it was a one man job for the second question
Sorry Unreal, You're not right
there is a clear logical choice in the lady choosing the 2nd denist.
You're partly right tho, keep thinking along those lines...
Lol, unreal, it was a one man job for the second question
Last edited by Recco; 23-08-2005 at 11:27 PM.
O yea I forgot about the last bit, 'despite having no release papers'. Hmm gotta think about that one...
LOL this is actually really fun, where can I get these sorta books from?
As for the first one... he had a brand new surgery? Well wouldn't that mean the second one is more experienced, and the first one is probably an inexperienced student or something? *shrugs*
A dentist can't work on himself so since there are only 2 he reflects the other guy's work?
Question 2:
T=0:Guard checks strip, Visitor + Prisoner enter strip. T=4.5 meet in the middle. Prisoner hides beneath voluminous dress of visitor. T=9 Visitor enters, prisoner leaves?
Lol, i brought this book like 10 years ago! Can't remember where.
Well, Quoting the book word for word
Answer to question 1.
"If there are only two dentists in town, the woman deduced that they must threat each others teeth. Therefore the dentist with the bad teeth had threated and looked after the dentist with the good teeth."
Answer to question 2.
"When the guard was in his hut the prisoner began to walk away from the prison.He walked for nearly 5 minutes and started to turn round and started to walk back towards the prison. When he reached the guard, he did not have any permission paper to enter, and so the guard sent him back - to his freedom!"
Lol, he must have found a change of clothes somehow.
Want anymore Questions, or getting tired from thinking too hard?
When the police discovered the body of colonel Reginald Smith, they found a tape recorder and gun by his side. On starting the tape they heard a suicide message, closely followed by the sound of a pistol being fired. Without hesitation the police handed over the case to the murder squad. Why?"
The name of the murdered dude has no bearing on the answer.
The answer is really simple, like all lateral puzzles the answer isn't mentioned, just
You're better than me. When when i first attempted this question i was a tad lad.
Along the lines, but like before you're missing the vital bit.
Lol, Quoting word for word
"Because the tape was already rewound, ready for them to listen to"
Man, how are we suppose to know that??
Unreal seems to be keen....
"One morning a petrol station attendant ran into the office the moment his boss arrived, and told him that the previous evening he had dreamt that one of the pumps had been leaking, causing a huge explosion. His Boss was sceptical, but when he checked the pump in question, he indeed found a potentially-disastrous leak. He switched off the pump, and then sacked the attendant. Why"
Oh yeah, is there a way i could hide the answer to previous questions, in case someone doesn't want to know yet??
Yea I am enjoying these, and look no graphics card required
BTW about that hiding thing, I go on some other forums that you have to reply to reveal the hidding text - that would provide the PERFECT solution. But I don't think this forum contains the code/command.
OMFG this ones hard, my smart ass answer still has to wait.... errr
Perhaps to leak the pipes someone had to loosen a wheel or something? So it couldn't have just 'leaked', it was tampered? Beh I'm going bed after this!
Oh shame, ruins it for the rest of them, lol.
Wow, there is a "fun" without a graphics card...A new world has opened itself to me...
Lol, still working on the previous question, or giving it a rest?
Yea go on give us the answer, although I know I'm just going to go 'OH OF COURSE, WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT' (and yes, in real life Caps)
Perhaps you can leave another one for the early risers, or the ultra late people! Thanks alot for these btw, much appreciated
EDIT: Gat Dam I've never 'camped' on a thread so much waiting for a reply.
"The attendant had been on the night shift, and should not have been asleep"
lol, Fairly logical, but a bit tight after what the attendant had done, lol... ok I'll give you about 5 then i think i would be off!
Isn't a big problem for me, lol, Just typing it out is the only hard labour i'm doing!!
"Two Fathers and two sons enter a shop and spend £1.50 each. The shopkeeper takes £4.50. What happened to the rest?"
"A Man runs to the quayside, performs a death defying leap and lands safely but painfuly on the desk of the ferry. He is very happy, until an impressed stranger asks him a question, whereupon the man who jumped starts crying. What is the question?"
"On the table is a carton containing six eggs. If six people each take one egg, how can it be that one egg is left in the carton"
"When asked who a certain photograph was of, the owner repolied "I have neither sister nor brother, but my mother's daughter is that man's mother". Who was in the photograph"
"Add 2 to 171 and make it less than eighteen" The answer to this confuses the hell out of me."
"Five men were travelling along a lane. It began to rain. Four of the men quickened their step and got wet. The fifth man did not quicken his step but remained quite dry. He did not have an umbrella or hat. How can this be?"
Lol, thats me done for tonight!
Have fun!
Last edited by Recco; 24-08-2005 at 12:47 AM.
1. a grandfather, a father, and a son - that's two sons and two fathers, but only three people
2. passport?
4. the owner's son
6. he was in a car, whilst the rest were walking. selfish bastard.
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