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Thread: Farewell To Concorde!!!

  1. #17
    Photographer; for hire!! shiato storm's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    next door
    6 times in 5 posts
    you know who's to blame - those crappy french. if they only maintained their runways properly then we'd probably not be in this position today.
    useless froggies
    Powered by Marmite and Wet Dog
    Light Over Water Photography

  2. #18
    Photographer; for hire!! shiato storm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    next door
    6 times in 5 posts
    eurofighter - at the outset - seemed a good venture but when you look at it we are the only country that could really do with a plane like that, the french have the dassault range, which are flipping awsome craft - why do they need another similar plane when they can re-fit current ones at a fraction of the cost?
    thats why its changed its name to the typhoon (typhoon II to be exact, the 1st typhoon was a WW2 plane)
    plus the eurofighter has taken YEARS to get just this far, and already bits on it are obselete.
    Powered by Marmite and Wet Dog
    Light Over Water Photography

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