Yes people, once again it is that time of year when the whole country comes together to celebrate the wonder and magic of the big event that we give thanks for this time of year. Yes, its the Coke ad with the big shiny lorry in it!
And what a great ad it is. Just think, if Mary hadn't managed to blag Joesph that she had concived without going with anyone else, none of this would be possible.
Ever noticed how in all manger scene Xmas cards there's a bloke with a 'I got away with that one then' look on his face? If only it were to get out that Jesus's dad was that bloke who worked on the fish stall. Still, lets not spoil the magic for the kids.
No repeat of my Happy Hexmas song this year, as despite it being the celebration of the birth of our Lord who died on a cross for all our sins, I really can't be arsed. Sorry J.
My mom came in earlier from the shops with 2 large cases of Bud and mahoosive tin of roses with roughly the same mass as a Neutron star, which is always my cue that its pretty much the season to eat loads of grub and watch the Fools and Horses special.
Does anyone else find things in the fridge at this time of year that no-one eats but still turns up? Like Red Cabbage... no-one in the house eats it, but it wouldn't be Christmas without it.
Hope everyone gets what you asked for (Make sure Santa has plenty of room to get the bondage gear and 3 dozen bottles of Poppers down the chimney Wildmonkey).
Hope you all find the time to eat, drink and be merry.
Happy Christmas all.