After a truely fantastic upgrade (am a part of the new clan of Opteron 146/ASRock/AC Freezer64 owners), i now have the following for sale and wondered if people could help guide what i should price it at please.
Am thinking of selling it all
a) maybe here?
b) ebay perhaps
c) I know a friend who wants a whole new system soon and it would do well for that...
c is the best option because i am lazy, but also it's a proven stable system that is fast enough.
Anyway, here are the specs:
Motherboard: MSI 865PE Neo2 FIS2R
CPU: Intel P4 'C' Northwood, 512k cache, 800 FSB 2.6Ghz
H/S & Fan: Zalman CNPS7000A-AlCu
Most likely sell as a job lot (i AM lazy) but individual prices would be great.
Thanks very much