I love these polls. A while back I saw one that asked if MPs were overpayed. About 10 000 said yes and about 700 said no. Which I thought was roughly the number of MPs at Westminster palace. Now there is on on Cheerful Charlie and the 1000 'lost' foriegn (ex?) prisoners. Shold he resign? asks the poll. Now I wondered if lightening could indeed strike twice and lo and behold we have 12 000 the say he should and when I looked 1007 that say he shouldn't (if it was 1027 it would have been too good to be true) I would dearly love to see some demographics on where the votes came from. Sadly that could never be. Hang on. 20 have been rounded up and deported haven't they?Prisoner blunder: Should Charles Clarke resign?
Yes 92.60% (12,607 votes)
No 7.39% (1,007 votes)
Mind you the lost peados, killers and rapists shouldn't be hard to find. Ruth Kelly probably has them running schools and daycare centres.