I'v asked for advice on my problem in one of the other forums but being such a regular in here I'd thought I'd let you all know whats up -
I just got spanking new wireless stuff round my house but there's a problem (perhaps noticed by my absence from these delightful forums). anyway here's the deal: I can download information such as receive emails and access Hexus forums but I CANNOT upload information, such as send emails and post here (i'm using my dial-up at the moment, but it expires soon 'cause we got BB *yay!*, but its ca'put and having difficulties! *sob*).
so if anyone has any experience and some bright ideas then please enlighten me as to how to overcome this problem of no upstream traffic. I can still read the posts but replying is a problem so for the time being I may not be around as much as I hope to be and offer my valued comments as always.
(what?! they are!!!)
anyway, thats whats up, if I don't get back Happy christmas - don't leave your shopping to the last minute, thats for people like me. tip: give money, they can get more in the sales than you can before Xmas...