Well after almost 7 years walking and driving to work i've got a bike. Partially to reduce that beer gut of mine and to keep fit. Well girlfriend is using the car for the next 4 months so i had to buy a bike!
Well i cycled home last night and this morning my bottm was still sore! coming into work was not much better i spent more time off the saddle than on it! I seriously don't remember cycling to be this painful.
Looking round i saw a couple of alternaltive saddle designs:
has anyone used any of these before?? I remember when i was in Amsterdam that most of the saddles didn't have a "nose" like the traditional saddle. Does anyone know what these are called?? Or if they're avaliable in the UK?
Before you ask my current saddle is supposed to be a comfort model but at this moment i think i'll never sire children! well actually the pressure is on the boney bits of my bottom - it hurts so much atm
any recomemdations greatly appreciated