Its the question that has plagued mankind since the beginning of time.... well at least the beginning of production..
What truly is the king of flavours??
Ready Salted
Salt & Vinegar
Cheese & Onion
Smokey Bacon
Prawn Cocktail
Salt & Pepper
Cheesy Puff Things
Other (Make them know to the world)
Its the question that has plagued mankind since the beginning of time.... well at least the beginning of production..
What truly is the king of flavours??
Last edited by acidrainy; 01-08-2003 at 04:54 AM.
pfft, we all know its cheese and onion pringles
followed by cool blue dorito's
cheese and onion rocks theres my vote any way
heh cream chive and onion are the king of pringles
hmm is that the same thing? oh well lol
its sour cream and onion with pringles i think.. ive just eaten a big tube of um mmmmmmmmm loverly
Not unless they're uber strong, which none seem to be these days
*wanders off mumbling about young un's that can't handle they're crisps*
Now theres a way to pass an afternoon
and heres me licking toads like a sucker
i have an urge for discos now..... i havnt had any of them since school ima go buy some today just to sit and lick and make my tongue hurt
look for special star shaped ones! They Have super Powers!!Originally posted by Wiffle_BMXer
i have an urge for discos now..... i havnt had any of them since school ima go buy some today just to sit and lick and make my tongue hurt
Worchester sauce however u spell the bugga
and nice and spicy nik-naks
Originally posted by acidrainy
look for special star shaped ones! They Have super Powers!!
wow where do the sell these specially powered disco crisps cause i wants some.... i always get strange cravings at 5am in teh morning i shud sleep more
maybe you should sleep
think they were limited edition, along with love heart shapes
now i saw the heart shappedd ones and ate a few too...... and knox.. just admit defeat and go to bed... im gonna outlast u
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