Today I was nearly late for work all becuase of the most ridiculous mistake by the bus driver!
Every Monday I buy myself a weekly bus pass that allows me to get to town and back. This bus pass is valid for North Reading only. Today as I got on the bus, ready for another day in the office, the bus driver pointed out that my bus pass had South Reading on it and he refused to let me travel! So because the bus driver on Monday had given me the wrong bus pass I was not allowed to travel on the bus!
Not only that, the buses only take correct fair, and I only had a fiver in my pocket so I had to walk to work. Even though the 'wrong pass' had the date and time and the driver number on it, the ignorant driver told me that I should have checked the buss pass and it is my fault!
I agree that I should have perhaps checked, but I have been catching that Bus since I was 12 and have been buying buss passes ever since, I didnt expect the driver to make a stupid mistake, and even if he did, would have thought I would be given the benefit of doubt!
To make matters worse, customer services told me that I would have to buy another buss pass, and I could send the wrong buss pass to them, along with a letter of what happend, and they would consider wether to give me a refund!
Its not about the money, its the principal, not only are the buses never on time or just dont turn up, they cant even sort out this problem.
Sorry, just had to get that off my chest! Realy drove me to near murder this morning!
Time to get the Car going again I think..