Story time with Punky.....
And i shall now explain the origin of the flying reindeer.....
Ages ago (i aint quite sure when) in Scandanavia (or where-ever santa is from), the reindeer used to eat some super-strong magic mushrooms that are red n white (like santa!!). This got the silly things wasted. Upon seeing this, some clever local figured "hey, these mushrooms are too poisonous for us to eat, but i bet reindeer pee will get us wasted." I have no idea how they could have come to this conclusion.
Well, upon drinkin the reindeer's hallucinogenic urine, the locals began to trip their chilly tits off and saw the reindeer flying, thus where we get flying reindeer from.
My biology teacher told me this whilst we were passing the mushrooms round in a lesson (she always kept her eye on me when i had em for some reason....). I think its true, but she is an old hippy, so her mind may have been warped by all the nice chemicals over the years. Peace.