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  • should advertising be filterable on digital tv?

    16 59.26%
  • or not

    5 18.52%
  • should advrtising be limited somehow?

    13 48.15%
  • or not

    4 14.81%
  • should i blame any one for it?

    6 22.22%
  • or not

    6 22.22%
  • is it ok how it is, or should something be done?

    9 33.33%
  • or not

    5 18.52%
  • should the mods delete this thread cos its pointless and advert like?

    11 40.74%
  • or not

    9 33.33%
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Thread: advertising

  1. #1
    Senior Member SilentDeath's Avatar
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    adverts on tv and stuff are really pissing me off, and its wasted aswell, not as if 90% of the adverts acctually sell anything... not only that, tactics used in them to make them noticable - bright colours/anoying bleeeps/annoying accents/volume of adverts being louder than the film/program ur watching.

    i think theyre should be LAWS against too much advertising and adverts should be RATED like films are! but not age ratings but more annoying ratings. with digital tv etc.. now/soon hopefully filtering of adverts will be possible. and if ratings are age based *which i doubt cos all adverts are suitable for just about everyone so more ppl can watch them* i will be pretending to be a 5yr old child.

    also stuff like in shops, where the escalators are in places meaning u have to walk all the way round to go up, and all the way back to get down so u dont miss any offers as u walk past - whilst this is good for a shop, and not really a good example i think some things are going toooo far.

    there are some good things though - tv adverts of programs and new serieses i like, stops me missing good entertainment! also its GREAT that childrens toys are not advertised on most channels!

    i would pay for having no commercial tv adverts on tv!

    why did eurobell remove the tv guide channel from there cable service!? and having radio over it was great b4 it got replaced by repeating adverts which made it unwatchable for any amount of time without it muted.

    i heard about a new law against unsolicited spam, when do adverts become spam?

    ive been thinking about who i blame for adverts and spam - this wil be mostly sterotype and not true for everyone, but atm america seems to be winning, esp with the overhyping of the iraq war. its not as if ppl should care about for example sadams sons, pictures of there bodys were in newspapers/tv/internet but if they were americans that had done the same crimes they would have been treated alot differently and pictures of them wouldnt have been shown. and the more i hear about 11/9 the more ill think they deserved it (i dont mean the innocent peaple did, but america did)

    also this overlaps with religion, which is all fiction, but as it serves a purpose (controling people, esp b4 policing) its ok, but as religion is the biggest cause of war and conflict, and that its not needed to control people now, should religion still b allowed?

    aol shall have its own paragraph in this post! or 2 including this bit :/

    aol sends out billions of cd's to people as spam, there is even a campain to send as many as possible to some ppl that are going to dump them at the aol hq. there tv adverts are among the most annoying aswell.

    i cba to type anymore, y r there 3 childrens tv programs (ones with puppets bright colours and sweaky annoying voices!) on atm? are under 4's usually awake at this time? i hope noone over 4 is sane enuf to acctually watch them

    also i dont even watch tv that much... only channels i get atm are terestrial + skyone and a few others that i never watch.

  2. #2
    2nd hardest inthe infants petrefax's Avatar
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    there are some laws governing adverts (altho not enough imho) but things like volume, content, appropriate time of showing etc

    if u feel stongly about particular adverts u can comment / complain via the itc who will investigate & if they agree will take appropriate action including getting the ad withdrawn

    take a look at their website here it does make interesting reading, for example until looking at his i didn't know there was a regulation in place that said if a celeb is in a tv programme on a commercial channel, the 1st advert in a break cannot contain the celeb from the programme

    the rulings on previously received complaints are useful as a quick benchmark as to what is/isn't acceptable in adverts if u cba to read the whole regulations btw
    if it ain't broke...fix it till it is

  3. #3
    Oh no!I've re-dorkalated! Jiff Lemon's Avatar
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    The one thing that pees me off is that you PAY for your SKY subscription. And it ain't cheap. So why do Ihave to suffer 5 minutes of adverts every 10 minutes? It wouldn't be half as bad if they were different ones!

  4. #4
    Cable Guy Jonny M's Avatar
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    The would annoy me a lot, paying for a full Sky subscription, then having to endure adverts. In a way it's like paying for an ADSL line, then having it used to stream adverts to you by your ISP (like paying for Xstream, if anyone remembers that).

  5. #5
    slave of the hypnotoad
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    I agree, i pay almost £40 a month for Sky and while i understand the need for advertising i think that Sky should be able to subsidise the support of channels like Sky1 and the Sports channels (ie. premium made by Sky channels) enough that people can actually enjoy the channels without the ads, lots of other channels (ie. not made by Sky) clearly dont have the £££/$$$ to be able to support themselves without advertising but Sky do. I really think that Sky should put some more effort into getting their premium channels up to scratch, imagine Sky1 on the Sports channels with the same quality as the BBC but retaining all the content the 1. the BBC won't broadcast because it's foreign programming and 2. the BBC can't afford, and a bit more variety wouldn't go amiss either, if they could provide channels like that Sky would become unstoppable.

  6. #6
    Goat Boy
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    Er, if you dont like the adds on Sky, dont buy sky! Murdoch has you guys over a barrel...
    "All our beliefs are being challenged now, and rightfully so, they're stupid." - Bill Hicks

  7. #7
    Beard hat ftw! steve threlfall's Avatar
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    you have too many questions...

  8. #8
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    TBH many of your points are flawed.

    90% of adverts dont sell anything? Obviously a made up statistic because adverts mostly work on the subconscious level. You don't see an advert for Ronseal and say, "damn I really need wood stain," and then pick up the car keys and head over to B&Q. When you actaully need it for say doing a fence you think, "I need woodstain, ah Ronseal - that bloody annoying advert that says It does exactly what it says on the tin."

    Rating adverts? I'll take the Ronseal ad as my example again. As an example of script writting, humour and general ease to watch - it's total and utter tosh. BUT. As far as being an effective advert it is one of the best there is as when you ask someone to think ofa woodstain, Ronseal is almost always what you'll get. Inversly some adverts are hilairious, excellent pieces of filmotograhpy or award winning. BUT. How effective are they at selling a product? Perhaps the company will get a minimal return for their huge investment where a simple, snappy and to the point advert would have done the job better. You can't rate adverts because some will want to rate them on effectivness (TV Bosses) whereas the public will want them to be rated on their entertainment value.

    Ad on commercial TV channels? These TV channels simply wouldn't exist without the advertising. Prime time advertising slots, lets take Corrie as an example, bring in approximatly £1 million a NIGHT for ITV. Without that how would they pay to produce new series / programs, maintain their service, pay employees or basically stay afloat? Think how much say Sky Sports gets for the advertising space between the two halfs of the FA Cup final.

    Religion is a very dicey subject to be simply dismissed as frivolously as that. My personal beliefs include religion and I know of others on the forum with a similar frame of mind so don't bring it into this. I don't impose my views on anyone but I don't like people merely dismissing mine as irrelevent.

    AOL. Funny Story. Ever took 20 cds a piece each between 6 mates to the top of a multistory car park and threw them everywhere? I have .

  9. #9
    slave of the hypnotoad
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    Originally posted by DaBeeeenster
    Er, if you dont like the adds on Sky, dont buy sky! Murdoch has you guys over a barrel...
    everything has it's flaws, just because i don't like one (or more) things about it doesn't meani don't think it's worthwhile overall, it doesn't exclude me from being able to suggest improvements.

  10. #10
    By-Tor with sticks spikegifted's Avatar
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    I recognize that commercial channels have to have commercials to make money, but sometimes (actually, a lot of times) there're just too many! When you're watching something, anything, the directors, producers and editors introduce a rhythm to the who thing - so that the program engage you and hold your attention. What's the point of watching the introductory part of the program (the part that kinda sets up the rest of the show) and followed by 10min of commercials? By the time the program returns, you'd have either become very frustrated by the long pause or forgotten what the program is about.

    While putting in lots of commercial is bad that beginning (or any part) of the program, it is even worse if they do it just as a movie gets exciting. It is criminal and whoever makes that call you be trap in a chair for 10 hours and for every minute of movie there would be 5 minutes of commercial!! See how he/she takes it.
    Caution: Cape does not enable user to fly. - Batman costume warning label (Rolfe, John & Troob, Peter, Monkey Business (Swinging Through the Wall Street Jungle), 2000)

  11. #11
    Senior Member SilentDeath's Avatar
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    RoGuE|SaBeR i know they were flawed, or that many would think so, and after i thought of better examples.... the "should the mods delete this thread cos its pointless and advert like?" was there so i could see how many ppl thought it was flawed etc...

    the main point in posting this was that ive noticed adverts having increasingly annoying content, and i cant see it slowing down or stopping soon while money is at stake. what im hopeing for is a law that will affect digital tv, so that all adverts must be flagged in some way so that users can set there decoder boxes and video recorders for example to filter adverts out. this would be a great feature for a manufacturer to provide. it would also force companys to make more entertaining yet more effictive adverts, which would cost more, which imo it should! i dont really care how effective companys make there adverts, but if there shown as part of entertainment then they should not have the oposite effect! im not too much against the informative type of adverts, but adverts that are not entertaining, and dont relate to the product very much, that try to pursaude u to buy stuff is wrong. for example most claims companys adverts u could just swap around the comanys name, change some of the hard to read text at the bottom and the advert could be used for any one of them. note that adverts for tv programs and cinema are usually entertaining (or ppl wouldnt watch/buy them), but are usually biased to show the best bits only. adverts ruin the atmosphere of films compleatly. when i got cinima i usually go in 10-15mins after its suppost to start - the end of the adverts (b4 the trailers start), if more or every one done htis, then i expect hteyd stick adverts hlafway through to make up for it. i cant see this happening for a long while though.

    also about religion, most religions conflict, which causes war and suffering. so ur saying that ur personal belief is that more ppl should die because u belive in what imo is a fake god. whilst religion is very popular, and many cultures are based on it, im not going to belive in something that to me has proven itself to be pointless and also causes more suffering than it prevents....

    religion has very good rules etc.. but if these are only used when u belive, then if u ever stop beliving, which hapens to alot of people then would they also stop living by these rules, which would be worse than forgeting about religion and using the rules that u think are right anyway...

    religion also causes/used to cause alot of discrimination for people that are differnet for example the jewish in germany during ww2.

    i never intended to impose my views on anyone but there are a lot of things which people dont like, some of them im pointing out in this thread, and this will have to be one of them for u. if u dont want people to dismiss ur views on something thats irrelivant and creates so much conflict around the world, then dont belive in it, or ull have to dislike it... religion has caused most wars and will cause more, including terrorism which is atleast partially religion related.

    how is this frivolous and can i also point out that the General Discussion and Banter forum is designed for topics like this... i think it is more frivolous to assume religion is a good thing...

    as tv ratings are done by surveys, having filtered out adverts (at the watchers and, not the tv service provider) will not affect the income of chanels from advertising, it will only make advertising a lot less effective and i belive we should have the right to not watch adverts. i definatly dont think u should watch any more Ronseal adverts! also wouldnt it be good if we could buy stuff because it does what the consumer wants best and not because of hype and how big a comanys advertising budget is/how annoying it is to make u rememebr it better? is it stupid to buy somehting because its advert annoys u? for example if advertising was made illegial (just for this example), aol would not exist, which would be a great thing for aol users/ppl that get disks spameed through there post box. i hope some one that reads this works for a tv decoder manufacturer and can steal my idea and make it real. i know some analoge tv vcr's can do similar stuff already...
    Last edited by SilentDeath; 04-08-2003 at 02:12 AM.

  12. #12
    Goat Boy
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    Adverts do work. If they didn't, they wouldn't exist; simple as that.

    My girlfriend is a planner in a big advertising agency. Planners are the people that work out what's going on inside peoples heads and help steer an advert in the direction that will best sell a product to the people they are targetting.

    You would be amazed and the lengths advertising agencies go to to work out the best way of selling stuff, especially at the sub-conscious, psychologoical level. AFAICT the only way of not being affected by advertising is not to subject yourself to any which, quite clearly, is impossible to do in any first world country.

    The companies you want to be more worried about are under the line PR agencies. "Under the line" basically means anything that isnt print, TV or radio advertising. I have a friend that works for a PR agency. A common practise is to pay actors to have conversations on a tube train.

    "Hi Emma, I haven't seen you for months! How's it going?"
    "Hi Julie, yeah good. Wow, you've lost so much weight"
    "Oh my God. I went on this slimming course called <yada yada some slimming course>. I lost 3 stone in 2 months"
    "What was it called again?"

    You think I'm winding you up? Really, I'm not. They pay people to read certain books on the underground. These companies have a demographic map of tube stations. If they want to sell a book to 20-somethings, they will have beautiful people dressed in funky clothes get on a tube train at that station and read the book they are selling. Again, dead straight. This goes on all the time. The amazing thing is how they keep it quiet. My friend has a list of beatiful women they pay to drink new drinks in bars. The list goes on and on.

    And you thought ads were just what annoyed you on TV
    Last edited by DaBeeeenster; 04-08-2003 at 02:24 AM.
    "All our beliefs are being challenged now, and rightfully so, they're stupid." - Bill Hicks

  13. #13
    Senior Member SilentDeath's Avatar
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    "My girlfriend is a planner in a big advertising agency. Planners are the people that work out what's going on inside peoples heads and help steer an advert in the direction that will best sell a product to the people they are targetting."

    its the sub-conscious, psychologoical level that i dont like, much more of it and the things in my head will be suicide thoughts.... till the program comes back on anyway

    also i knew "under the line PR agencies." existed and did that, but as it is not mass advrtising it cant really be THAT annoying, id prefer this tbh, esp as on a train it isnt ruining the atmoshpere of the entertainment that uve paid for, but i can see this type of advertising as very economical on a huge scale. this would be similar to "more entertaining yet more effictive adverts" but instead of more entertaining, just less anoying, which is also good

    some adverts are great, one that i rememebr well is the red bull one with pigeon heheh. i think this must have been quiet effective minus the extra costs of putting effort into entertaing people. its a good idea, and without the idea it probly costs the same or even less than most adverts because its cartoon not with actors, vioces? stil had to be done, cant remeber if there was any for that one apart from the slogan.
    also a tv channel *should* be more likely to chose an entertaining advert over a anoying one *if* they are offering the same for showing it. this might be wrong, i dont work for a tv station.

  14. #14
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    Just read my post again.

    I was slightly pissed off when I posted it as it was late in the morning and I'd jsut got back from work. Sorry if I caused any offense |SilentDeath| !

    I do agree with you 100% on those <insert appropriate phrase here> loan company ads.

    "It was all done over the phone..."

    "No one came around to speak to us..."

    "They were all so professional..."

    If the camera panned a few inches in either direction you would see the cue cards

  15. #15
    Ravens Nest
    I those Loan adverts do my head in, there the last place i'd go if i was in debt

    "i had so many debts, i couldnt cope"

    "But ChokeonDebt consolidated all my existing loans into one managable monthly payment"

    "Now i have enough money to, get a new car, loads of designer clothes and a Holiday for 2 weeks to florida"

    I never understand that with those adverts..
    Picture the scene, you've got yourself into a mess of debt.

    You get some money from one of these loan sharks and pay all your debts except now you have this Giant loan with a high interest rate on it.

    What do you do?? you get yourself into more debt, get a car a holiday and home improvements..Duh where does it all end you'll be in more debt than you started with.

    These advertising companys dont seemed to have any guilt, people who get into this kind of debt seem to me to have an addiction and if it was alcoholic then the advertising agencys would be advertising how to get off of vodka and onto smaller fosters cans instead, but advertise smirnoff ice as available too if you need it.

  16. #16
    Beard hat ftw! steve threlfall's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Ravens Nest
    I those Loan adverts do my head in, there the last place i'd go if i was in debt

    "i had so many debts, i couldnt cope"

    "But ChokeonDebt consolidated all my existing loans into one managable monthly payment"

    "Now i have enough money to, get a new car, loads of designer clothes and a Holiday for 2 weeks to florida"

    I never understand that with those adverts..
    Picture the scene, you've got yourself into a mess of debt.

    You get some money from one of these loan sharks and pay all your debts except now you have this Giant loan with a high interest rate on it.

    What do you do?? you get yourself into more debt, get a car a holiday and home improvements..Duh where does it all end you'll be in more debt than you started with.

    These advertising companys dont seemed to have any guilt, people who get into this kind of debt seem to me to have an addiction and if it was alcoholic then the advertising agencys would be advertising how to get off of vodka and onto smaller fosters cans instead, but advertise smirnoff ice as available too if you need it.
    i agree mate. interest rates are low right now but if they shoot up again then a lot of people will be screwed
    at best they will still be able to keep up repayments while being considerably poorer of course its really reallly wrong

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