nice emz, but my hair is better
nice emz, but my hair is better
You say that about all of you Russ !
looks rather festive. i'm gettin my festive dreadlocks put in on sunday hopefully. dunno why they are gonna be festive, they just are. peace.
if war is the answer, then we are asking the wrong question
2 things i hate the most - xenophobia and the french
I am pleased I don't
im hopefuly gonna get tonicblue to dread my hair again, to which i will add tinsel = mucho festivo
very nice emzay *homer simpson* grwwwwwwwwwwlllllllllll
Ohhhhhh Baby, knockout
<sig removed by Agent - You should know better mate! >
I know where you spawn!
Illegitimi non carborundum
Pronounced: NO-lee NO-teece per-mee-TAIR-ray TEH tuh-RAIR-ay!
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