When trying to start games i get an error come up. it says "Please enable Direct3D acceleration. You can do this by starting dxdiag and enabling Direct3D acceleration in the Display 1/2 tab after installing DirectX 8.1b or later and the latest drivers for your graphics card" this has just started after i restarted my pc. Also i cannot get into by ATI CONTROL PANNEL. and when i am on the net the screen is all jurky when i am scrolling down a page. Does anyone know what the problam is. i have directX 9b or 9.1b watever it is!! and also the latest drivers for my GFX card!!
I have also gone into the DXDIAG and the Direct3D is already enabled, and it is greyed out so i cant disable it!!
this is really annoying me, i only jst restarted my pc then that starts hapenning.
Cheers -=Adr3naline=-