I posted this in another forum, but maybe it is a more appropriate question to post here.
Is it impossible to use a PCIx-16 video card, and a Legacy PCI video card togther.
I know one uses Serial, the other (PCI LEgacy) uses P.
From what I understand, it is ok to use PCIx16 and PCIx1, but not Legacy PCI.
When i tried to install my Nvidia GEforce 8600GT and and ATI PCI 9250, my PC locked up shortly after Post.
When the Bios saw the PCI card first, it i did not recognize the x16 at all. When I did the x16 first, it would just lock up mid way through booting into XP.
Is there anywhere on the net that confirms 100% that you can not use PCI-16 and Legacy PCI together for video cards?
Could also be that I am mixing Nvidia and AT?
Thanks for listening to me rant....