system locks up on opening up tv window or if can get to point where can tune channels no image can be seen
system is:
asus a7a266 mobo (with latest bios installed)
my 9600 pro with latest drivers etc
any ides would be sweet,
check no conflics and that uve installed the rite drivers.
tv cards usually cause problems because the manuf's cba to make them to decent quality. i havent used that card b4, i avoided it as ive heard alot of problems. my mercury tv (remote + fm radio version) card comes tomorrow it should b good has a forum with los of info, ppl should b able to help u there
Sorry Panzerknight dont know but is this the place to start discussion on "what TV card" (is best or worst! and why?)
this is definatly a good place.
ur card is carp but it shouldnt give u lock ups etc.., wot os r u using? if its win9x then ur asking for trouble! as it just doesnt have good support for tv card type stuff and ull crash all the time.
ull probly find on win2k or xp all these problems will go, if ur currently on 9x but thats going to depend if u can get win2k/xp drivers for ur card, if u cant then bin it, its useless.
soundblaster cards are generally evil - creating lots of irq problems :/
this is a very likely cause, and can i ask why ur using a crappy soundblaster when u have soundstorm on ur mobo???????????????????????????????????? if its cos of crackly sound this is easly fixable
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