Well....today I got a chance to find out
David has been at mine for 24 hours now, uploading stuff on my Broadband connection as he needed some extra bandwidth. He brought his Shuttle with him......
He's had to go out.... which was shame, cos his shuttle PC contained a Rad9800Pro.... and he's no where to be seen to defend it
So.....as the transfer que had finished on the upload, I kind of....well...kind of "borrowed it"
The question in my head....was it REALLY that much better than my 9600PRo. We are talking a lot more money, and would it be worth it.
Well, first up, I am NOT a monster Tech Head, but I DO play games.....1 game in particular. Its got planes in it, and my mates all shoot me a lot, but I love it anyway
For a quick Benchy.....just for you tech heads
3dMark 2003 on my nForce 2 Asus A7N8X with a Thorobred at 12.5 x 180 = 2250 in Dual Mem mode.
1024x768x32 and all the Vid card drivers set to Default
9600Pro - 3347
9800Pro - 5599
Thats a BIG jump.....its bloody mammoth. 67% Increase
And it looked it too.....you know the way stuff looks even better than th escore and the image quality makes you realise you have a special "thing" in your PC.
U Huh.....this did it for me
But the TRUTH of the pudding is in the flying
And its gonna kill your Modem..sorry
I set the vid card to default (ie no Antialiasing or Anisotropic filtering) and ran it 1024x768x32.....
Then I slid the Radeon Image Quality SLider bar right up to the top....my 9600 Pro wont run at all smoothly on this setting, so I wanted to see if all those special eye-candy features were "Worthy"
Oh my word.....these screenies HELP, but to see it in full motion......its unreal....truly divine!