Hi all
My old monitor has finaly died so I have done alot of reasearch and am looking to buy this monitor to replace it:
Looks like BenQ is the best bet at the moment for budget monitors but If anyone can think of a monitor that is just as good for the same price or cheaper please let me know.
As all upgrades go I have also decied to upgrade my graphics card because there is no way that I will be able to take advantage of this monitors HD res with my old Radion x1900. I was looking at the below cards and was wondering if anyone has any personal experience with either/both of them? Im stretching my budget a bit but I would prefer to get a graphics card which can take advantage of the 1,920 x 1,080 res of the monitor. I would also like it to be DX 11 capabal as I dont want to have to upgrade again because a game i want to play requires DX11. Any advise would be much appreciated!