The card was shown working and operated perfectly stable on the Intel 'Grantsdale' platform.Today we managed to sneak an exclusive look at the new NVIDIA PCI-Express based NV45 card which apparently does not use the HSI interface (we are waiting for a 3rd party to confirm this fact.) Apparently NV45 is a new tape out and has NATIVE PCI-E support.
True to their word NVIDIA have dropped the second connector on the card, however something which does raise doubts in our minds is the fact they now have a 3*2 connector on the card instead of a normal 'molex' connector.
This is, in theory forcing consumers to buy a new PSU to feed this - the reason for the power connector change is to give 4 12 volt feeds to the card.
We would like to give more information but at the moment we don't have it. We don't have any photos either, but as we get it we will tell you more.