Hey guys, really sorry for yet another thread, hopefully someone else will be able to learn from these though!
I have been looking at graphics cards and was set on an ATi 6950 2GB by MSI (Twin Frozr). But then I changed my mind, I saw the 6970's were not much more expensive, so I then looked at a 6970 2GB by Asus (Direct CU) and settled on that. And all was good. However I then moved over to nvidia and was looking at GTX 570's. But then its more money, from what looks like not as much performance (see here: http://www.graphicscardbenchmarks.com/page/table) Please note I do not know if that source is reliable!
I know the new GPU's are coming out soon (today?), but from what I have read they are either going to be alike in performance or too much money for me, I have a budget of £250 but could probably push £280 max which is what the 6970 is, however IF the GPU's come down in price, which from history won't be for a good few months, then all it's going to do is push the 69## into more of a comfortable price range for me as nVidia will probably not shift.
So...herein lies my question! WTF I am confused...I have no idea what I am looking at or what the numbers mean. do I want ram? Mhz? a different mhz? clock speed? I have no idea.
Soo if anyone has an idiots guide, please let me know, all i know is 6990 > 6970 > 6950. And same idea with nvidia.
Basically I want the best set up on a z68 board as I can with £300 MAX. I'm guessing thats going to be a crossfire or sli configuration (from what I have read...not that this means much apart from plugging in two cards and connecting with a 'bridge' - again, i'm just pretending I know what I am on about) Also...passive 3D