well i tried a few differant way of overclocking my vid. card,a PNY Ti4200 64meg, 250/500 model and i use the coolbits reg mod. and one way i use is to just put the clock up to 275/550 and keep moving (slowly!!)in a 1:2 ratio or, as sugested on another forum, is to take the core, and pussytoe it up till u get artifiacts.. mine stops at about 315/325 depending...and then ram causes pc to basicly become non-op when oc'd past 550 in this maner, thats ok, i left it at 315/550 and tryed to play a game of ut2k3, well game had MADDD artifacts, so i decreased to about 300/550, well more artifacts, so i put it back down to 280/560 my normaly OC, and it works fine, is there anyway i can get it to stay up at 315/550?? i herd about volt-mods, and got no clue how to do it. this is my old rig a del optiplex150, a p3 1ghz 512mushkin ram(pc133) and thats about all that matters, will it run better in my new rig? a watercooled asusp4p800 a watercooled 2.8p4c i got a koolance case, and im still debating what ram to get, probably the OCZ pc4000 gold edition, i dont care if i physicly mod the card and or break it trying,as i will be getting SOMETHING new (probably a FX5900 or FX5900U) when Half Life2/Doom3 come out. oh yea, i plan on OC'ing the **** out of the new system hoping to hit 4ghz and 1100-1300mhz bus