Hello yall
Right my situation is thus:
Doom 3's Imminent arrival has prompted me to upgrade my system, and spookly coincides with my friend's need for a pc, my proposed soloution will follow, but first my current setup:
Residing in a coolermaster ATC-210:
2ghz P4
1gb unmatched RAM
A Geforce something something Ti 256mb ram, that i bought so long ago i cant even remember the model number, suffice to say it cost me about 250-300 squids at the time, anyhow...
who cares what size HDD
My friend Is going to give me £200 for the parts of my old system less the case obviously, and im going to front about 300-600 myself
im sure using a minimal amount of money I could buy A 3.4+ processor and a decent asus MB (im planning to use RAID also btw) with a gig of ram and a R9800xt which would be sweet
I was thinking of buying a new 775 MB (with sata RAID) and PCI express, and a 3 Ghz P4 and a mere 512 of DDR2 with the idea of upgrading bits down the line where and when ive got the cash
And if I do that the real question is... Will a x600xt (or even pro) do the job until PCI matures and the £300 I would otherwise spend on a X800 can be better spent?
I guess what im really asking is Will an x600tx be good enough to run Doom3 at a decent enough resoloution