Having just sorted what I believed to be a b0rked NF7 i've now discovered that the hercule's gf2 i've installed doesn't output any signal which makes windows a bit hard to set up tbh, is there anything i can try or was it most likely doa?
Having just sorted what I believed to be a b0rked NF7 i've now discovered that the hercule's gf2 i've installed doesn't output any signal which makes windows a bit hard to set up tbh, is there anything i can try or was it most likely doa?
Whether the power is on or off the monitor displays 'No Signal'? Does the system post correctly when powered up?
To err is human. To really foul things up ... you need a computer.
system posts correctly as far as i can tell, monitor permanantly displays no siganl
MMkay, bent pins in the monitor connection, possibly. Can you try the card with another monitor? Or another card with the same monitor? It's probably an RMA job.
To err is human. To really foul things up ... you need a computer.
if u wanna pop round and use nething of mine for testing purposes ur welcome m8y just gimme a pm
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